• 3D driving simulator with town, tram and motorway situations
  • Use of steering wheel possible

3D Simulator: What do you need to bear in mind when driving? Get in and let Edi, your virtual driving instructor, explain it to you in the simulation.
The 3D driving simulator also includes simulations of city, tram and motorway situations.

Around Town

Drive with Edi through town.

When learning to drive, you must first learn and automate certain processes and sequences. For example, "rear-view mirror, wing mirror, look over your shoulder". With Edi you can train these sequences from your PC in comfort. In addition to theory, you will learn how to deal with situations such as roundabouts, right of way, pedestrians, etc.

Lernen Sie die Grundlagen zum Autofahren Rückspiegel beim Autofahren nicht vergessen Lernen Sie die Theorie zum Kreisverkehr Autofahrer und Fussgänger

Tram Situations

Learn with Edi how to share the road with trams.

In the city, tram rails cannot be avoided. Elsewhere you are sure to encounter a tram sooner or later and if you are properly prepared this will not be a problem. Edi will teach you what to look out for when you encounter a tram.

Verkehrsregeln rund ums Tram Wie viel Abstand braucht ein Autofahrer zum Tram? Richtiges Verhalten bei der Auto-Prüfung Simulierte Alltagssituationen mit dem Auto

On the Motorway

Drive with Edi on the motorway.

Especially on the motorway it is important that you able to carry out maneuvers perfectly. Because speeds on the motorway are so high, even a small mistake can lead to a big accident. Learn the maneuvers without risk from your PC. Edi will show you how to correctly get into the right lane on the motorway, change lanes, and leave the motorway again.


Autoprüfung auf der Autobahn korrektes Überholmanöver Rückspiegel beobachten