On this page you find a summary of road signs in Switzerland. Although Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, signs largely follow the general European conventions concerning the use of shape and color to indicate their function. The categories of road signs are:
Warning signs
Regulatory signs
Priority signs and
Indication signs
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Warning signs:
In Switzerland warning signs take the shape of an equilateral triangle with a white background and a thick red border. Warning signs are used 50 meters before a hazard in urban areas and 150-250 meters before a hazard in non-urban areas. If the distance to a danger spot does not conform to the normal distance the distance is indicated with complementary panels. (See also "Complemantary panels") Here you find a list of warning signs
Example: Road works
Regulatory signs:
Regulatory signs take the a circular shape with a red border, a white or blue background and a black content. They are intended to instruct road users on what they must or should do (or not do). In Switzerland regulatory signs are valid from the place where they are used until the end of the next branch. Otherwise the distance is indicated below the sign. A repetition is shown by an repetition panel. Here you find a list of regulatory signs.
Example: Prohibition of motor vehicles
Priority signs:
Priority traffic signs indicate the order in which vehicles should pass intersection points. Priority signs look similar to regulatory-, warning- or indication signs. Here you find a list of priority signs.
Example: Give way to oncoming traffic
Indication signs:
Indication signs have a rectangular or square shape. Normally they have a white symbol on a blue background or a symbol on a white field. If necessary the validity distance is indicated. An indication sign shows informations or how to behave in certain situations. Here you find a list of indication signs.
Example:Dead end
Road markings:
Road markings are used on paved roadways to provide guidance and information to drivers and pedestrians. Road markings are used to convey a range of information to the driver spanning navigational, safety and enforcement issues leading to their use in road environment.A yellow marking is used to mark forbidden parking, such as on bus stops. This color is also used to indicate when lanes are being shifted temporarily to make room for construction projects. Here you find a list of markings.
Minimum speed limit (during good conditions (road, traffic, sight), the speed is not allowed to fall below the minimum speed limit; vehicles not capable of speeds exceeding 30 km/h are not allowed to continue)